The Working You System™

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What it Means to be Working You

In varying degrees, every job out there will either reward or punish you for the collective value you bring to an employer.  So what does it mean to be Working You? 

It means that are being fully rewarded for the value you uniquely bring to today’s job market. 

It means that you actually care about your job and have the wind at your back each day when you go to work.   

It means that who you are and what you do are working together in a powerful way to take you where you want to go in your life. 

And at the end of the work day…it means that you feel satisfied, fulfilled, and motivated to continue moving ahead in your career tomorrow—in a highly personal and meaningful way.

 The Working You System ™

This is a system that doesn’t rely on luck or serendipity or fate—it just relies on you. It is also an open system and therefore adaptable to individual circumstances and flexible to change over time. It isn’t about where you went to school, majors, or GPAs. The Working You system is a three-step system that helps you define the specific points of unique value that you offer to employers in today’s job market.  Then the system generates your own personalized job bank of high potential right fit jobs tailor made for you. Finally, you create a custom blueprint to turn your right fits into offers making any necessary adjustments based on the current marketplace.

 You already have what it takes to find a job you love. The system simply walks you through the steps in a very practical way that makes sense for today’s job market whether the economy is flourishing or languishing. Because the Working You system is an actual system, it is designed for all types of economic weather.  More than 1,000 college students have successfully used the Working You system at both the undergraduate and graduate levels across all types of disciplines. Because it is a system that is built on you—it uses your own unique personality, interests, talents, and motivational values to bring each step to life in a highly personalized way. The Working You system is designed to take you to a job where you are fully rewarded—for the value you uniquely bring to a field, a company or organization, and a role.

“Open yourself up to all of the possibilities that are out there for you

and believe in yourself”